
Snail Week: Monday - Snail BB Cream

We are officially kicking off Snail Week!  No, we’re not just an office full of snail-obsessed beauty hoarders (but, we...

Reasons We Love Snail Mucin

  Not a common picture you’ll see in skincare in the US. In Korea and France, snail enzyme is a...

We're always hunting for beauty tips: here's this week's Top 5

  1. Getting that nasty orange off your nails: You know what we’re talking about, right? That beautiful lacquer comes off (usually...

Serums, Lotions, and Creams? What's the Difference?

how are serums, lotions and creams different? to begin with, cosmetic companies can categorize products slightly differently as long as...

Toners and pH Levels - What You Need to Know

the science behind toners  pH is measured from 1-14. 7 is neutral, anything above 7 is alkaline and anything below...

Tips for Kissable Lips

let’s do some lip-talk today! your lips have skin unlike any other part of your body. it’s much thinner, which...

Let’s Go Seoul Beauty Tripping

Peach and Lily is headed back to the Motherland with HUGE aspirations for the year. We’re kicking off spring (which...

Fermentation - a Korean Beauty Ingredient

Walking around Seoul, I notice a lot of rice-based and makkule (traditional korean acoholic beverage)/sake-based skincare products that fly off...